Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Fury of Poseidon

The Screaming Females - Power Move (Don Giovanni Records 2009)

My first exposure to THE SCREAMING FEMMES was before a Dead Weather concert, in Montreal, Quebec. I remember one of my good friends plying me with beer and Earth Peace before the concert to thank me for getting him free tickets to the show, when a girl dressed up in Little House on the Prairie garb stepped onto the stage and started Van Halen-ing all over the guitar (Needs a Shamwow Snuggie to clean up, you roll over it). These guys were Dinosaur Jr., life-sized tumbleweeds of fuzz all over the guitar sound, fronted by an out of her time period, yelping china doll. I cannot say whether or not you'll like the album (Featuring only one larynx straining DOUBLE X Chromosome in the actual group, the bass and drums are rhythming dudes), but they fucking destroyed my face, and the audience sat in awe at how noisey, punky they were. Also, devastating guitar solos being played by someone with extremely tiny, probably very soft, hands. Excellent stuff, haven't stopped listening to them. The sound/style isn't 100% original but it is at the very least very, very rocking and refreshing at a time when indie is at its most wimpy. DON'T BRING UP ANY "SCENES" BASED ON PEPE LEPEW, S'IL TE PLAIT!

Also, here's the entirety of their new album!

1 comment:

Steven Vance said...

Learn some HTML and turn those URLs into links.
<a href='URL'>NAME</a>