Sunday, June 28, 2009

Let's Get Fucked Up

Instead of any actual content, I've been forced to pass these videos onto all of you or else I'll die in seven days.

Forgiveness, please.

sporkism: Last week I was in a Hot Topic
sporkism: and I overheard this one guy go up to one of the employees and ask, "Do you guys, like, have any emo techno?"
sporkism: and the employee goes, "You mean like Brokencyde? Or 3Oh!3?"
sporkism: And then the guy was like "No, I already have those"
sporkism: I don't think they ever came to any resolution

For the next video, the money shot comes when one of the talented young singers drinks from a bottle of hard alcohol:

"BrokeNCYDE was the brainchild of vocalists Se7en(David) and Mikl(Mike). Se7en and Mikl created a band to pass time while having problems with their girlfriends. According to them, the etymology of the band name comes from the idea of their music being fundamentally broken or "broken inside" due to their relationship problems."

and oh hey speaking of bourgeoisie electro

everytime i'm at the bar, you wanna pay
go ahead, buy me a won't get laid.

I'm so sorry.

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